

Animal proofing your home:

Common entry points and problem areas that exist on most homes include:

CHIMNEYS: A common nesting site for raccoons and squirrels due to the resemblance to that of a hollow tree. Birds and squirrels often fall down them and end up inside the home.  In some cases they build a nest that can block the exhaust gases causing dangerous carbon monoxide to enter the home, or a chimney fire cause.

ROOF SOFFIT INTERSECTIONS: These areas provide an easy entry point into the attic and soffit of the home. Animals either chew through the soffit or push it up creating a hole. This area tends to be very weak because it is difficult to fasten the materials properly during the homes construction.

ROOF FASCIA AREAS: Anytime you have more then one surface joining on a building there is the potential for a gap or edge for wildlife to start chewing. This area is also one of the first areas to rot from excessive moisture. Animals are very opportunistic and will choose to make entry holes in areas with the least resistance.

ROOF VENTS: Almost all of the roof vents installed on houses today are not designed to keep animals out. Most are made from thin plastic or aluminum that can be chewed or torn through by both squirrels and raccoons. If this occurs and is not repaired quickly, extensive water damage may occur when it rains. Roof vents  are designed to exhaust the hot air from the attic, creating a very attractive and easy entry point.

PLUMBING VENT MAT + STACK: Made from a very thin piece of rubber this mat is easily torn or chewed creating an entry point into the attic. If this area is damaged it also has a high likely hood of causing water damage from precipitation. If a small animal falls down inside the pipe it can create a blockage in the pipe that can be costly to repair.

WALL EXHAUST VENTS: A common nesting area for birds and squirrels to take advantage of. This can result in damage to the vent pipe or fan unit as well as odour and insect problems.

DECKS AND SHEDS: Are common dwellings for skunks, raccoons and opossums. They provide a safe dry location year-round, and are easy to gain access under. Once an animal has gained entry under a porch, deck, shed, addition etc., it is often difficult for a homeowner to exclude them. These areas often become very problematic until proper techniques are implemented.